
Donate through IDEAL


  • Your name and e-mail address will not be shown on the website and our only for our administration.
    We send a newsletter twice a year. You can unsubscribe at all times. Please note that our newsletters are in Dutch.
  • Amount in euro's

De Sluis is mainly financed through the network of churches. There are several religious funds that are supporting De Sluis. Furthermore, several churches and individuals are supporting De Sluis financially on a more structural basis.

Are you willing to support the work of De Sluis too? You can fill out the form below for a one-time donation. If you want to support us more structurally, contact us for the right forms, or simply set up a structural donation to our bank account : NL73 TRIO 0391 0935 09 t.n.v. DSG de Sluis.

We love to hear from those that support us! You can contact us through

Any financial contribution to DE Sluis is welcome

anbi-logoOur founcation “Diaconale Stichting Gevangenenzorg de Sluis” has been labelled an ANBI, which means we are a foundation serving the common good. As a result, gifts to De Sluis can be deductable from your income taxes.

We receive a (small) subsidy from the department of Justice, but we are mainly financially dependent on churches and indivuals. We would use your money for the benefit of ex-offenders, activities in prison like church services and trainings etc. You can donate to our bank account NL73 TRIO 0391 0935 09 t.n.v. DGS de Sluis.

There are two ways to donate:

1) Ordinary donations, which are deductable from your income taxed if they are between 1% and 10% of your income;

2) Structural donations, which are always deductable. Donations cound as “structural” when you commit to donating for at lears five years at least once a year. These donations need to be written down in a donation agreement. The right forms can be found at the website (the form is called “Periodieke gift in geld”) or you can e-mail us to get the right forms.

It is also possible to include De Sluis in your will. If you want to know more about this, please contact us through or 06 4204 1309.

In the name of the (ex-)offenders we thank you in advance!

